A working-man's blog. Dedicated to the advancement of the four day work-week, catch-and-release fishing, noxious weed control, less government, home-made bread, tractor time, and wide fairways.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Green Again

The last couple of days, we finally received some rain. It had been raining to the north of us, but was missing us. We got 3/10ths of an inch the last couple of days. And a really nice rainbow that filled the sky.

Some of the chickens (sorry Mark, I mean poultry) started laying about a week ago, and we are getting 3-6 eggs a day. Most are still pretty small, but they are getting bigger. We let the chickens out of their house for a couple of hours in the late afternoon, and they have a great time in the yard.


Blogger Sarah said...

Ha ha ha... poultry! That's just classic. :-) I want some fresh chicken eggs! You're making me jealous. Do you think I could successfully raise some poultry in the back of my townhouse?

5:54 PM

Blogger Mark said...

NO!!! NOT THE EVIL CHICKENS! Oh, poultry you say? That's cool... And Sarah, you could have before putting the Metal Monstrosity there!

7:21 PM

Blogger rbflyfishr said...

Sarah, I think that new barn of yours would be perfect for some chickens.

8:14 AM


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