A working-man's blog. Dedicated to the advancement of the four day work-week, catch-and-release fishing, noxious weed control, less government, home-made bread, tractor time, and wide fairways.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


OK. We give up! We couldn't get out of the driveway Monday, and I couldn't get the tractor from the back to the front to plow it (I kept getting it stuck... no chains). We have about 3 feet on the ground now. Kinda hard to get a good average, since the wind has moved it around several times, and in some spots there is 18 inches and others there is 4 feet in drifts.

Arizona in the winter is sounding better all the time.

A fellow worker digging out the stairs from the parking lot. I was offering encouragement.

Home away from home.

This pic was taken back in December, but I'm including it because it was cool to see a buck in the yard.